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Random Thoughts of an ASP.Net Code Monkey

Recommended Listening–Clint Huffman on RunAs Radio

January 26, 2012 01:34 by Andrew Westgarth

clinthuffmanThis week’s RunAs Radio has Clint Huffman, a Microsoft Premier Field Engieer talking to Richard Campbell about understanding the health state of IIS7/7.5.  There is some excellent content in this episode and I’d strongly recommend listning to it. Clint covers aspects such as mappings, caching, failed request tracing and the IIS Log Analyzer. Rather than tell you everything that is in the podcast, listen now! -

RunAs Radio is an excellent weekly podcast with Richard Campbell and Greg Hughes for IT Professionals/Developers making use of Microsoft products. In my honest opinion I think developers need to also have an understanding of the systems they develop and deploy on top of to maximise the full use of the platform, so I feel this is an excellent resource for all, so check out the podcasts and subscribe now!

Categories: IIS | IIS7 | Podcasts
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Comments (2) -

Richard Campbell

Hey Andrew - thanks for the kind words! Glad you're enjoying the show.

If you get a chance, jump back in the stack and have a listen to Clint's show on Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL)... if you want to know how your web server is performing, PAL is a great tool!

Richard Campbell | January 27 2012 07:09

Andrew Westgarth

Hi Richard, no problem I love learning and find RunAs Radio a great way to do that.  I will listen again and take another look at PAL, I have used this before when looking at issues on a SharePoint Farm so will definitely spend some more time with it.

Keep up the great work! Smile

Andrew Westgarth | January 27 2012 07:19


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